The best they can come up with is a stretch about Ayers. Say it ain't so, Sarah! There you go again lying about the past, which is why this smackdown I'm about to deliver feels so freaking good gosh darn it:
McCain Linked to Terrorist Libyan Regime
The McCain Hezbollah "Connection"
McCain Backer's Firm Pleaded Guilty To Funding Terrorist Group In Colombia
McCain sat on board of ultra-right wing racist group
McCain Didn't Think Osama Bin Laden Was A BAD Guy in 1998!!!
And a shout out to all those journalists and diarists who reported these juicy stories. You get extra credit for helping me with the debate prep.
A stunning new report from connects the dots between McCain and the terrorist Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi. According to the report, McCain's newest media adviser is Mike Hudome, who recently took over for Mark McKinnon when McKinnon decided he didn't want to run against Obama. Hudome is married to Randa Fahmy Hudome, a lobbyist who "began working for the Gaddafi government at a time when it was officially designated by the U.S. State Department as a state sponsor of terrorism."
...conservative writer Debbie Schlussel called Michigan businessman Ali Jawad not only a supporter of Hezbollah -- a group the US State Department labels a "terrorist organization" -- but also claimed he was a "key agent of the terrorist group in the Detroit area."
After Schlussel started asking questions the McCain campaign removed him from the finance committee for a May fundraiser.
The co-host of a recent top-dollar fundraiser for Sen. John McCain oversaw the payment of roughly $1.7 million to a Colombian paramilitary group that is today designated a terrorist organization by the United States.
Carl H. Lindner Jr., the billionaire Cincinnati businessman, was CEO of Chiquita Brands International from 1984 to 2001, and remained on the company's board of directors until May 2002. Beginning under his tenure, Chiquita executives paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (known by the Spanish acronym AUC), which is described by George Washington University's National Security Archive as an "illegal right-wing anti-guerrilla group tied to many of the country's most notorious civilian massacres."
Aides to the Senator did not return request for comment, though they have repeatedly argued that the campaign does not have direct connections to companies represented by such fundraisers or advisers and, as such, should not be held accountable for their actions or presumed to be persuaded by their interests. [emphasis mine]
However, in the past, McCain has done favors on Lindner's behalf. Last May, the Washington Post reported that in the late 1990s, McCain "promoted a deal in Arizona's Tonto National Forest involving property part-owned by Great American Life Insurance, a company run by billionaire Carl H. Lindner Jr., a prolific contributor to national political parties and presidential candidates."
Moreover, McCain's chief political adviser, Charlie Black, lobbied for Chiquita on two separate occasions in 2001. According to records, Black was paid $80,000 to work on foreign trade issues.
The diary I referenced in the intro (McCain's terrorist ties) contains several other good links to McCain's terrorist connections.
So I have a question for the McCain camp: do you REALLY want to go THERE? If you're going to send out your surrogate (your unqualified Veep candidate) to lie about the best choice for President and distract the American people from the real issues in this campaign, this is the type of dirt on you that can be brought to the media's attention. Worse yet, I'm sure there's even more (worse?) dirt on you that hard-working journalists can dig up. Do you really want to keep hitting Barack Obama with lies? You can take your chances, but we're not going to just sit back and take it without a fight.
I know you're trying to bring us four more years of McBush, but this isn't 2004.'ve got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
If you feel lucky and your campaign feels that it must continue these lies, I would like to remind you of a common firearms safety rule which applies to this situation:
Be sure of your target—and of what is beyond it.
In case you forgot, we the People are behind Obama, and the mud you throw will end up right back at you. It's called "ricochet."