My Dad has lung cancer, and today we found out he has had it at least a few months, probably longer. Right now I am experiencing a mixture of emotions. I'm not as close to my Dad as my older sister, and the strongest emotion I feel is empathy for her. I am also scared for my Dad, because I keep imagining what it must feel like for him to possibly be staring death in the face. I am sad and angry and scared and a little bit of everything...
I find it somewhat ironic to be going through this when there is so much talk about healthcare reform in the media. Fortunately, my Dad is a veteran, and so will have at least decent healthcare. My Mom is a different story. If she were going through this, she would be racking up bills that she frankly wouldn't be able to pay. Until she voted for Obama, my mother had voted Republican her entire life, and if she gets sick, they are the very chickenshit bastards who would rather see her buried under a mountain of medical debt while they take her our tax money and pay for their own medical bills. There is something very wrong with this picture. Congresspersons are not the only ones worthy of public healthcare.
If Congress cannot pass a public option by the end of this year, I want to see every one of them lose their taxpayer-funded healthcare. True, for most of them this would be a minor inconvenience, but it is more the principal of the matter.
I would also like to hear some real arguments from these leeches as to why a public option is not an option. I.e. not the following...
It's unnecessary? Then so is your taxpayer-funded care.
It's too expensive? Then let's save some money and take yours away too.
It's socialist? Then why are we paying for your care?
It puts a burden on taxpayers? So does your care.
And I'll end with an equally senseless argument from the wise Karl Rove:
And once the private insurance market has been dismantled it will be gone.
Good riddens. Then maybe medical bills won't force so many Americans into bankruptcy each year.
If Congress can't offer the same level of care it receives to the citizens it "represents," it deserves neither that care nor our votes. Thank you for letting me rant.